Match Card for AEW Dynamite from January 11, 2023 from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, featuring Toni Storm & Saraya vs Jamie Hayter & Britt Baker, The Elite vs Death Triangle, Bryan Danielson vs Konosuke Takeshita, and More!

AEW Dynamite Recap & Review — 1.11.2023 — AEW Returns To The Forum For Game 7

The Elite vs Death Triangle Ladder Match, Moxley vs Hangman Page, Adam Cole Returns

14 min readJan 12, 2023


Coming off a hot start to 2023 with an all-time great edition of AEW Dynamite in Seattle, Washington, All Elite Wrestling would return to Los Angeles for another weekly edition of AEW Dynamite. Featuring a number of big matches, this week’s show would see Hangman Page vs Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson vs Konosuke Takeshita, Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter vs Saraya & Toni Storm, and The Elite vs Death Triangle in a Ladder Match for the AEW World Trios Championship! How was this week’s show? Let’s talk about it!

So sit back, and enjoy this review of AEW Dynamite from January 11th, 2022! SPOILERS FOR THIS EPISODE OF AEW DYNAMITE AHEAD, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Before this review begins, if you are interested in New Japan Pro Wrestling and/or other wrestling in general, be sure to check out the latest review from The Deep Six Wrestling Podcast, covering NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 17:

Match Graphic for Jon Moxley vs Hangman Adam Page from AEW Dynamite on January 11, 2023

Jon Moxley vs Hangman Page

Out of the gate, this would not only have a big fight feel, but an emotional one, as Moxley and Hangman would go out of it as soon as the bell rang, really selling the animosity between these two men. It would stay a heated battle, with a lot take place at the ringside area, as Hangman would level Moxley with a lariat before eating the King Kong Lariat from Mox back in the ring, playing off the exact same spot that saw Hangman go down with his concussion in their first meeting. It would only score a nearfall for Moxley, as he would repeatedly go for pins before mounting Hanger, unloading shots to the head to keep him grounded as the match would enter commercial break.

Back from break, Hangman would drop Moxley with a suplex, though he would not be able to keep him down, having to deliver his own variation of the King Kong Lariat as both would go down. Getting to their feet, Mox & Page would beat the tar out of one another, trading blows with Page evenutally scoring big with a Fallaway Slam. Mox would eat a boot off the apron before Hangman would fly with the huge moonsault off the corner to the floor. The Buckshot would get looked for, but Moxley would counter, dropping Hangman with The Death Rider for a great nearfall! The Hammer & Anvil Elbows would be busted out, with Moxley locking in the Bulldog Choke! With Hangman fighting out of it, Moxley would be forced to try something new, opting to drop Page with a Piledriver… THAT HANGMAN WOULD KICK OUT OF AT 1!

Coming back to life, Page would look for the Dead Eye, but Moxley would get out and look for a sleeper, with Page escaping and scoring with the Dead Eye. Dazed and out on his feet, Moxley would stomp on Page with a Seth Rollins-style Curb Stomp! The two would both go down, fighting back to their feet with forearms to each other, eventually transitioning to headbutts and open palm strikes. A huge running lariat would alnd for Page, before he would drop Moxley with the Buckshot Lariat. Hangman Page wins!

Match RatingGREAT. I mean this was just an awesome opener from top to bottom. There could have been some more drama or nearfalls had there been no commericals or if this was on PPV, but this was a genuinely great match from both guys that saw Hangman get a very, very important, clean singles win over Jon Moxley. I assume there will be a third match, likely with a stipulation, possibly a Texas Death Match, and I am for it.

After the match, Doc Sampson would get in the ring to check on Moxley. Commentary would talk about Moxley being checked on backstage, hinting at a concussion, with it feeling a bit like storyline.

After the break, Tony Schiavone would arrive to introduce a special guest… ADAM COLE IS BACK! Monster reaction for Cole who has not been seen since last August. Cole says that it is Storytime, and he says there is good news and bad news. Since he was a kid, he wanted to be a wrestler and he’s gotten to live his dream, especially since joining AEW. Since his injury, he’s become a lot more grateful for life, and he missed being here. He had back-to-back head injuries and a shoulder issue, getting multiple MRIs, and a number of other things. Cole would detail his anxiety and sleep issues since last summer, and he says how much he appreciated all of the support fans gave him over the last year, saying they didn’t care if he wrestled again, they just wanted him to be okay.

Cole is eternally grateful for the fans who gave him everything while he was unable to give anything over the past several months. He gets a great reaction from the fans. Cole states that the bad news is not for him… IT IS FOR THE AEW LOCKER ROOM BECAUSE HE IS BACK AND HE IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! His career is not over, instead, he ain’t done yet. He has been one of the best wrestlers for the past fifteen years, and he won’t stop until he is considered the best, and he has not even scratched the surface of what he’s capable of. Today is the day that a new Adam Cole is born.

The Acclaimed appear backstage announcing that Friday, they are getting their names on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? ALRIGHT!

Match Graphic for Big Bill & Lee Moriarty vs JungleHook from AEW Dynamite on January 11, 2023

Big Bill & Lee Moriarty vs JungleHook

Jungle Boy and HOOK would have a hot start, dominating Lee Moriarty with quick tags. This would come undone when Stokely would trip up Jack in the ropes, prompting Jungle Boy to try and dive onto Hathaway, though Big Bill would catch him and tease a chokeslam on the apron once more. HOOK would aid this, breaking it up, though Bill & Lee would take control of Jungle Boy heading into the break.

During the break, Ken Jeong would get into it with Big Bill, for what it’s worth. Back from commercial, Jack Perry would break free from Lee’s grip, as HOOK would get the hot tag, running wild on Lee Moriarty, though Big Bill would break up a pin for a two count as he and HOOK would have a great staredown. Bill would go for a splash in the corner, eating an enzuigiri from Perry which allowed HOOK TO SUPLEX THE BIG MAN! Lee would look for a quick pin on Jungle Boy, but The Snare Trap would get locked in, forcing Lee to tap out.

Match Rating Good! This was a lot of fun. Not a great match or anything, but it was a fun one, and they did the smart thing of protecting Big Bill. Seeing HOOK suplex Big Bill was ridiculously awesome.

Paul Walter Hauser would appear backstage with his Golden Globe Award, with Danhausen & Orange Cassidy, and he would question if Best Friends were okay. Trent & Chuck appeared and they all put their hands in. Apparently Paul Walter Hauser will be on Rampage for something as well.

Match Graphic for Bryan Danielson vs Konosuke Takeshita from AEW Dynamite on January 11, 2023

Before the match could begin, MJF would arrive to berate Konosuke Takeshita, greeting him by saying Konichiwa and telling him that around here, WE SPEAK AMERICAN. Takeshita would tell him to kiss his ass and would push him, causing Max to threaten to fine him. MJF would tell the fans that he is all about pinning shoulders on the mat and banging rats, questioning if he offended the fans. MJF would call out Ken Jeong, stating he is irrelevant. Freddie Prinze Jr. would be called out, with MJF saying he wished he got cancelled, and calling him a SCOOBY DOOBY DOUCHEBAG! As MJF attempted to get off his catchphrase, Bryan Danielson would arrive to cut off the promo, with Danielson running off the AEW Champion!

For what it’s worth, I didn’t hate this outright like some, but I think this was one of the weakest MJF segments in AEW history.

Bryan Danielson vs Konosuke Takeshita

Danielson would lock in a surfboard fairly quickly, transitioning into a dragon sleeper. Takeshita would fight out, nailing Bryan with stiff forearm shots to the face, with The Dragon firing back with chops as the two began exchanging strikes. Big leaping clothesline from Takeshita lands, though Bryan would go back to the submissions. Kicks from Bryan, but Takeshita cuts him off with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count, as the Los Angeles crowd gets fully behind Takeshita with chants! Commercial Break would arrive during a big chop battle between the two.

Back from break, Danielson and Takeshita would come off the top rope, with Takeshita scoring another close pin. Looking to powerbomb Danielson, The American Dragon would drag the big man over the top rope with a headscissors, with Danielson flying off the apron and landing roughly. This would open the gates for Takeshita to score with a huge brainbuster on the floor, sliding Danielson back in before coming off the top rope with a senton atomico… only for Bryan to get his knees up! The Lebel Lock gets put in directly in the center, but Takeshita manages to get his foot on the rope! Another big strike battle comes out from these two, with both guys going down following a HUGE lariat from Takeshita leveling Bryan that sounded like a thunderstrike. Takeshita looks for his Bomaye, but Danielson evades, only for Takeshita TO LAND A BASTARD DRIVER AND A HUGE GERMAN SUPLEX FOR A TWO COUNT! Forearm shot to the back of the head from Takeshita, jumping knee misses from Takeshita, BUSAIKU KNEE LANDS FROM DANIELSON BUT TAKESHITA KICKS OUT! Danielson locks in a chickenwing (I THINK!) and Aubrey calls it. Bryan Danielson wins.

Match RatingEXCELLENT! This was just simply outstanding. It started slow and the crowd was kinda dead from the MJF promo, but these two delivered big-time. This was just a great, great, great wrestling match with Bryan helping to elevate Takeshita even further than he has been over the past year. Go see this out.

After the match, Renee would interview Juice Robinson, who says he is not a thumb-twiddler. He is here to win championships, and this Friday, he is taking Darby Allin’s TNT Open Challenge!

Match Graphic for AEW Women’s World Champion Jamie Hayter & Britt Baker vs Saraya & Toni Storm from AEW Dynamite on January 11, 2023

Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter vs Saraya & Toni Storm

With all eyes on this match, it would have a hot crowd behind it, with Jamie & Britt getting a huge reaction, Toni would be surprisingly welcomed, and Saraya would be booed. The crowd would also not hijack this immediately, instead chanting for Jamie Hayter as she and Toni Storm would start this, the first time the two would meet in the ring since Full Gear. Toni would take it to the champ hard against the ropes with strikes, as Jamie would fire off with a series of big chops to the chest. With Jamie sent to the floor, Saraya would fly off the apron with a dive to the champ before getting her caught up in the ropes, taking it to Hayter with knee strikes and repeatedly sending her into the ring ropes to trip her up. This would break down on the floor once again, with Jamie sending Saraya into the barricade and Britt sending Toni into another. Hikaru Shida would walk down to the ramp as the commercial break would come about… but who’s side is she on?

Back from break, Saraya and Baker would be in, with Saraya getting booed once more, before scoring with a step-up knee and the Knightcap for a two count. Storm would get the tag, scoring with a nasty hip attack and tornado DDT for another two count. With Toni in control, she would lock in a crab before Hayter would sprint in with a boot to Storm, as she and Baker would look for a double-team move in the corner. Hayter would take out Saraya on the apron, allowing Baker to score with an Avalanche Air Raid Crash for a nearfall. Ripcord Elbow from Hayter, followed up with the Haytebreaker, only for Saraya to break it up immediately. German Suplex from Toni Storm and the Storm Zero, but Baker would make the save as Saraya would come back in. Butterfly Facebreaker from Britt Baker to Saraya, as Toni & Jamie would trade blows in the center of the ring, just going at it with strikes once again, as both women would go down. Rebel would step onto the apron, distracting the ref, as Shida would toss the kendo stick into the ring, allowing Britt to nail Toni with it! The Hayterade lands. Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter win, with Shida looking on in shock.

Match RatingAlright. This was really hurt by a crowd that just slowly died over the course of the match. Jamie & Toni looked really good, Britt was fine, and Saraya looked better than she did at Full Gear. Still, all signs pointed to Mercedes Mone showing up… and it didn’t happen. As soon as they started running down stuff after the match, the crowd began booing loudly. This was a big miss from Tony Khan after teasing a mystery partner back in early December and having Britt Baker literally say “I’m the boss” before winking at the camera.

Coming Up on Future AEW Shows:


  • Anna Jay & Tay Melo vs Willow Nightingale & Ruby Soho — Street Fight
  • Eddie Kingston & Ortiz vs Kings of the Black Throne
  • Darby Allin vs Juice Robinson — TNT Championship Match
  • The Acclaimed Appear
  • Paul Walter Hauser Appears


  • Bryan Danielson vs Bandido
  • Jake Hager vs Ricky Starks

The Jericho Appreciation Society Speak

I was catching up on notes for a while here, but the JAS came out here talking about them invading the PWG Battle of Los Angeles and stating that the Ricky Starks experiment is dead while Action Andretti has been sent back to the minor leagues. Starks & Andretti arrive, with Andretti calling out Sammy Guevara for not being able to control his wife after her hand was between Andretti’s legs last week. Garcia goes crazy here before Starks cuts him off and calls Chris a WIDE BODY, as he then goes after Jake Hager for being GILLIGAN WITH THE STUPID HAT, A DUMB PURPLE HELMET WEARING VILLAGE IDIOT. Despite being with Jericho, he still has a dumb lisp. Hager fires back by stating HE LIKES THIS HAT! He wears lots of hats and one of them says undefeated MMA fighter, and he knows that Ricky has balls, but next week he is going to slap Ricky’s face off of his face. Ricky calls him an idiot once more and says that next week he is going to help him with his speech impediment.

Match Graphic for Death Triangle vs The Elite in Escalera De La Muerte on AEW Dynamite from January 11, 2023

The Elite vs Death Triangle — Best of 7 Series, Match 7 — Escalera de la Muerte — AEW World Trios Championship

Things would kick off hot here out of the gate, with IWGP UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION KENNY OMEGA (feels so good writing that) taking it to PAC, though this would break down into Penta & Matt Jackson going at it, with Penta delivering a big superkick. Big moves from Kenny, Fenix, and Nick here, before PAC would deliver an assisted cutter. Penta would prevent Omega from climbing the ladder, though Omega would drop him with a Snap Dragon! Tossing the ladder aside, Omega would set-up the Terminator Dive, though The Bastard would prevent it with a huge missle dropkick off the top rope before Omega would deliver another Snap Dragon! Omega would dive, but would land through a table before Matt Jackson would take a dive to put himself and PAC through a table as well!

Back from break, Penta would be locked in the corner with a ladder as The Young Bucks would be double-teaming him before Nick Jackson would dive to the floor with an insane dive! Penta would eat a back body drop from Matt Jackson, just wiping out on a ladder as Nick would get KILLED WITH A TIGER RANA OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO A LADDER. INSANITY! Poisonrana from PAC to Omega, German Suplex to Matt, with the Fear Factor getting delivered to Omega!

Penta would begin the climb finally, with Matt Jackson pulling him off as PAC would get in to give Death Triangle the advantage. Nick would get back in, with a Superkick Party breaking free as the Bucks would take back control, with Matt delivering his repeated Northern Lights Suplex, with the final rotation dropping Fenix on the ladder! Nick Jackson would head up top, putting Penta through a table on the floor with a 450 Splash!!! Matt Jackson then begins the climb, only for Alex Aberhantes to knock over the ladder! Cutler delivers the cold spray to Alex’s eyes as Omega drops him with a V Trigger, leaving Omega… only for PAC to get in, nailing Kenny’s hand against the ladder with a hammer before delivering a Falcon Arrow on the floor! PENTA WOULD DELIVER A FEAR FACTOR ON THE LADDER TO ONE OF THE JACKSONS… FENIX WOULD CLIMB AS OMEGA WOULD RETURN, SETTING UP FOR AND DELIVERING A ONE WINGED ANGEL OFF THE LADDDER! PAC FLIES WITH THE BLACK ARROW BUT KENNY GETS THE KNEES UP! Kenny Omega climbs the ladder, and pulls down the championship! The Elite are AEW World Trios Champions Once Again!

Match RatingExcellent! I mean did anyone doubt the ability of these guys to deliver an absolutely insane ladder match? This was off the charts and wiped away all of the stink from the Jericho Appreciation Society segment + the lack of a Mercedes Mone debut. I can’t even say who the MVP is, because all six men made this work. Kenny Omega deserves loads of praise for delivering that all-time great match against Will Ospreay at Wrestle Kingdom, only to come back with this.

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AEW Women’s World Champion Jamie Hayter kissing her muscles during a match in All Elite Wrestling




Written by NotVeryProfoundFilm

Entertainment Writer, Sometimes a Film Critic, Avid Disney Villain Song Connoisseur || Follow me on Twitter @NVProfoundFilm

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